We are a faith community consisting of a somewhat ragtag band of broken people who have found hope in Jesus Christ. Our mission is to live in and share out the truth, love and calling that Jesus has for people; all people. None of us have arrived in anyway, but we love sharing the journey.
We celebrate how He welcomes us by grace to be part of His kingdom and that He sends us to extend that welcome to others; the good news of Jesus to the ends of the earth - the promise of forgiveness, the gift of eternal life with the assurance He will never leave us or forsake us. He lives in us and works through us. He has made a way for us by laying down His own life, taking our place, paying the price for our sin to reconcile us back to God. Now He welcomes us to come to Him to receive His forgiveness and His lifegiving Spirit within us. |
At the heart of our vision are three core values taken from Jesus’ words in John 8:31,32, John 13:34,35 and John 15:8&16. In these three statements Jesus speaks of His teaching, His love and His life-changing mission to see people rescued and restored for His eternal kingdom. We have chosen the words Truth, Community, & Engagement to represent the three areas of our lives where God is at work. We are His followers, and we make followers, when we know, love and serve Him together. He has made a way for us to come and belong to Him, to learn and grow in Him and to represent Him on a mission to see a lost and broken world restored to God.
We are part of a larger association of churches known as the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada (FEBCC). It’s great to be a part of an extended church family from places all over the world and we rejoice that we are part of a vast family discovering His amazing grace and sharing in His mission for the greater glory of God.
If you are looking for more information about what exactly it is that we believe and teach, you can check out our statement of faith here.
We invite you to get to know us and start sharing the journey with us. And that as you journey with us, you will find yourself following Him and come to know, love and serve Him for He alone is worthy.
We are part of a larger association of churches known as the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada (FEBCC). It’s great to be a part of an extended church family from places all over the world and we rejoice that we are part of a vast family discovering His amazing grace and sharing in His mission for the greater glory of God.
If you are looking for more information about what exactly it is that we believe and teach, you can check out our statement of faith here.
We invite you to get to know us and start sharing the journey with us. And that as you journey with us, you will find yourself following Him and come to know, love and serve Him for He alone is worthy.