Share The Journey
Our church has a long-term strategic vision to grow community in our church and reach our neighborhoods with the gospel. We seek to build community by making our Life Groups the primary vehicle for discipleship, caring and mission that reaches the communities our people live in.
Join us this Sunday at 10:30am!
Have you ever struggled to answer that question? Our winter teaching series kicks off Sunday, January 12th. Join us for this 12-week series through the scriptural truths of our statement of faith. Twelve practical questions revealing how what we believe affects the way we act and think. Our prayer for this series is that it will equip us with confidence in knowing and living the truth of God’s Word!
Faith Newsletter
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Click here to read the latest edition or subscribe below!
Our Staff
Josh FillmoreLead Pastor
Alex WhiteYouth & Families Pastor
Brittany MatthewsPastoral Administrative Assistant